Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dude, i totally have a lot of acne..but it's fixable!!

Believe it or not I'm one of your number one candidates for acne. I get it all of the time no matter what I eat or what I do. As you can imagine it's pretty annoying but it's my genetics so I can't really change it now can i ?!?! Nope!! Unfortunately... Anyway, ever since the 17th century us women have been using a trick with eggwhites. Sounds disgusting I know and trust me, it is but it works surprisingly well.

Here's how you do it!!

- Get a small bowl and a medium sized paint brush to apply the eggwhites with.
-Crack two eggs and ONLY drain out the egg whites leaving the shell and yolk behind.
- Take all makeup off and any moisturizer you might have under it with makeup removing wipes.
- Take the paintbrush and evenly apply the eggwhites to any place with acne. I prefer to do it all over my face just to prevent any future break outs.

-let the eggwhites harden on your face. Now, it's going to itch while it's drying but DON'T touch it what ever you do. The longer you leave the egg mask on the better results you'll get.

How does doing this help???

Well, eggwhites suck up any excess oil and dirt you have in your pores. Blackheads are formed from excess oil and dirt so doing the mask will also prevent blackheads AND pimples. It itches very badly but it's a quick remedy that's easy to do and is done with house hold items. It's guaranteed to zap those nasty pimples away in no time :) In fact, I'm doing one right now!!!! :)


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