Thursday, October 21, 2010

I honestly don't understand.

I know this blog is mostly about makeup but let me just rant and rave for one quick second. I've noticed lately that every time I walk in to the bathroom to fix my makeup or even brush my hair, the girls that were already in the bathroom stare at me with weird looks. Is it intimidation, jealousy, hate, amusement. I have no clue and I'd really like to know!! I realize today I'm have a really bad hair day and I went for the neutral look with my makeup but that doesn't mean I look bad. I've seen worse cases of bad hair today than mine so what's the problem?? I don't consider myself better than everyone else by any means because as I was taught when I was a child , there's always someone prettier than you. And, of course grandmother knows best, it's true. That's actually one principle you have to have instilled in to your mind if you decide to enter the modeling world. There is and will always be someone prettier than yourself. I can't stand the weird stares that I get of course, but I don't let it overtake my mind and make me paranoid about my appearance. I have continued to do my makeup the same, do my hair the same, and dress the same despite the whole ordeal with the stares. If they dislike me why can't they just step up to the plate and say it to my face!! Am I asking for too much people?!?!?! This mystery of the stares will remain until the day those girls decide to grow some balls and tell me what the stares are for.
Take this in to consideration if you know I'm talking to you.

-Breinthe50s XOXOX

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