Friday, October 8, 2010

Welcome to the blue party!

I worked on a new look today and here's the results. I'm wearing a teal shirt with zebra print on it so of course I had to coordinate with the color of my shirt ha ha :)

The look:

Excuse the hair people lol I just woke up.

Here's how to do it!:

1). Add a small amount of concealer to your eyelid with your index finger.

2). Using a fluffy eyeshadow brush such as the one I have in the picture you'll apply a light grey base to your entire eyelid. ( Eyebrow bone down to the eyelash line) Do this a few times so to ensure complete coverage.

3). Apply a grey eyeshadow in the crease of your eyelid down to the eyelash line with a medium sized eyeshadow brush such as the one I have in the picture. Go a tad bit on the outer edge of your eye to create a smokey effect.

4). now you'll be apply a navy blue eyeshadow in the crease of your eyelid in a back and forth motion with an angled eyeshadow brush. Apply from the tear duct to the outer corner of your eye.

After doing this you'll go over the very top with your base color so that the colors blend together.

5). Next you'll apply a teal color eyeshadow from the outer corner of your eye to the middle of your eye crease. ( sorry I don't a have a picture for this step)

6). Next you'll use a stick of black eyeliner to create a thin line on your eyelash line. ( Blend in to the eyelash line with a Q-tip so that it becomes smooth)
Then comes the mascara :)

7). Use the black eyeliner on the bottom eyelash line ( go halfway)
Smudge into the eyelash line with a Q-tip then take your medium sized eyeshadow brush , swirl it around in some black eyeshadow, then go over the eyeliner on your lower lash line with it. You'll also apply mascara on the bottom lash line. (halfway just like the eyeliner.)

8). For your blush you'll be using a light brown color. (apply with angled brush blush by Bare minerals)

9). For the eyebrows I used a blonde eyebrow pencil because of my natural hair color. Use an eyebrow pencil that matches your natural hair color or current hair color. And only fill in the places that need it the most for best results :)

The pallet I used for all of this :

This is the Blue dahlia pallet by Estee Lauder. It's wonderful and I used all of these colors except for the white.

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