Friday, October 1, 2010

Murdered school girl (bres twist to the mix)

Alright, so I'm pretty sure I've advertised the whole Halloween thing!! About it being around the corner and everything. Well, to get you even more excited Marisa decided to let me get all up in her face ha ha and put some freaky deaky (but sheik and beautiful) Halloween makeup on her. I wasn't too sure about the look before I did it but afterwards I realized that I just might have created my own little scary masterpiece. (Yes, I'm capable)

Here's how to do it:

The face-

-Start off with your usual concealer , foundation etc. routine.
-add a small amount of bronze blush on the apples of the cheeks.
- Cover the chin, forehead, sides of the face, and beneath the eyes with White powder from Hot Topic.

-Go back over where you had previously applied the bronze blush and then blend it with the white powder so that it doesn't look choppy.

The eyes:
-Using the usual pin up girl pattern I applied a sand color for the base, a not too light and not too dark brown in the crease of the eye. (blend with an angled eyeshadow brush)

-Using brown liquid eyeliner you'll do the cat eye that I've showed you how to do in my previous blogs.

-Add a small amount of black stick eyeliner beneath the eyes and then blend the eyeliner into the lash line with a Q-tip.

The Dirt-

Using the Rimmel London blacks and greys pallet you'll apply a small amount of grey with the brush you applied your base color on with. (Wipe the brush off before doing this so that the brown left over on the brush doesn't affect your grey effect)
Blend this only on the outside corners of the eyes and apply the grey with an outward stroke of the eyeshadow brush.
This is the only place you'll apply the grey effect!

The lips:
I decided to use a sort of neutral yet eye catching pink lip gloss on to the lips. While I applied the concealer I applied a small amount on to her lips so that this would create a "Clean slate" for what ever lip color I would go with. Doing this will also emphasize your lip color of choice.

The eyebrows:
Marisa has naturally dark black eyebrows but after putting all of the concealer on the black color of her brow faded a tad bit. So I jammed it up with a little bit of black eyebrow Pencil. When using an eyebrow pencil you'll only use it for touch ups on the eyebrow. For instance: A girl has a noticeable scar in the direct middle of her brow and she doesn't want people to see it. The cure for this is to use an eyebrow pencil. She would pencil in only where the scar is so that it would look as if there was no scar at all!! See how this works?? :)Great!!

The look is finished and she's ready to scare the little children and be beautiful while doing it!!

I hope you liked the surprise!! Thanks Marisa for being my test subject!!

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